23 July 2015


HEALTH is the supreme source of Moral Conduct (धर्म), the Acquisition of Wealth (अर्थ), the Satisfaction of Desire (काम) and of Spiritual Liberation (मोक्ष). 

Diseases take away HEALTH, WELLNESS and WELL BEING of life and are the greatest obstacle in realizing the value of human life.

Understanding of this concept make us gain Self Realization, a supreme knowledge. LEARNING plays an important role in this.

But here a question arises that what is Health, What is Wellness, and what is Well-Being?

According to 'WHO' - "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

According to wisdom of 'Ayurveda' - "Health is in balance when all three bio-energies (त्रिदोष) and metabolic process/digestive fire (अग्नि) are in balance, and excretions are in proper order. When soul (आत्मा), senses (इन्द्रिया), intellect (मन) are in harmony with internal peace, the optimal health (स्वास्थ) is achieved".

Wellness is the integration of Mind, Body and Spirit. Optimal wellness allows us to achieve our goals and find meaning and purpose in our lives. Overall, wellness is the ability to live life to the fullest and to maximize personal potential in a variety of ways.
Wellness involves continually LEARNING and making changes to enhance your state of wellness.
Wellness combines seven dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living. When we balance the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Occupational, Spiritual, and Environmental aspects of life, we achieve true wellness.

Wellness views Health as not merely the absence of illness but the full realization of one's physical and mental potential as achieved through Positive Attitudes (one's Attributes), Fitness Training (one's Skills), sticking to Good Practices (one's Abilities).

Well Being is a contented state of being Healthy, Happy and prosperous.

Thus Health is a Goal to be achieved, 
Wellness is a Process to achieve that Goal, and 
Well-Being is the State of that journey towards achieving that Goal.

Understanding of HEALTH requires lots of Learning, Gaining Health requires lots of Learning and Action, Maintenance of Health requires lots of Learning, Action and Change.

'NECTAR-The Joy of Learning' makes you Learn, so you can perform Action, and then your time brings the Change.

Always Happy to help you.

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