2 December 2015

Learning & Exercise

Good Physical Health has its own importance in life. Good health ensures that you are able to perform required action at ease to achieve your learning goals.

Nutritious diet and Exercise help to build good health. 

In total four types of physical exercises are recommended for a good health. Viz. 

1 - Endurance, 
2 - Strength, 
3 - Balance and 
4 - Flexibility.

1. Endurance Exercise - Exercise which helps increase capacity of human body and provides ability to continue for longer time, also increase stamina, ability to bear pain and stress. Running, Jogging, Cycling, Trekking, Swimming, Tennis, Football etc are part of endurance training. These are mainly aerobic exercise where demand of oxygen is very high.
2. Strength Exercise - These exercises help to build extra muscles and increase power and strength of body. Wrestling, weight lifting, Boxing etc are part of strength training.
3. Balance Exercise - These exercise helps to improve body balance when eyes are closed or eyes are open. A calm and tranquil state of mind is achieved which helps to balance physical body perfectly. Tai-Chi, Shooting etc provide balancing ability to our body.
4. Flexibility Exercise - These exercises increase stretching abilities of the body, helps to distress a stressed body, make body movement swift, and increase the reach. Stretching, light gymnastic, warm-ups etc increase flexibility and tone the body.
To gain different abilities for a body such as endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility different sets of exercises are recommended. Only one exercise which fits into all four category and develop all four abilities is YOGa. 

YOGa provides endurance, strength (hath yoga), balance, and flexibility.

When motive of mind is power then strength exercises are picked. And then to show the results of strength exercise, shirt less cartoons from films and sports field are considered as role model.
This mind set is not supporting the true learning as achievements are not primary here.
When motive of mind is assimilation then endurance exercises are picked. And then to show the result of endurance exercise, one become fan of sporting personality and follow their way of life,leaving and compromising their own specialties.
But when motive of mind is excellence achievement then a complete and holistic approach is considered and all four types of exercises are performed. YOGa provides one solution of all four types of exercise. This mind set is perfect for learning and ensure that health maintained at good level to support any learning.
When all four type of exercise are done in right mix, it build the brain and increase brain power which thinking alone can not do. 
YOGa exercise helps to build a brain that resists physical shrinkage (ageing) and enhance cognitive flexibility. 
YOGa exercise also club more brain cells (neurons) into a neural network with the help of Brain-Derived-Neurotropic-Factor BDNF. Higher amount of BDNF is reported in blood after YOGa exercise.
Different exercises may benefit differently but YOGa exercise is a complete one and provide all benefits of Endurance, Strength, Balance, and Flexibility exercises.
We are born Yogic, and performed YOGa as an Infant, Toddler, and kid. Learn YOGa, practice YOGa.

'NECTAR-The of Learning' recommends YOGa for every serious and vivid learner whose motives are related to excellence and achievements.

Harsch Kumar Lall

1 December 2015


11 things to become Powerful & Strong

1)  Feel Joyful – Feeling joyful is productive, positive, makes a better life, saves time, creates useful emotions, and builds relationships. Feeling joyful is affirmative feeling which helps to appreciate what you already have, and barter self-pity with gratitude.

2) Exercise Power – Exercising your Power extends your physical and emotional boundaries. It helps to regulate your actions, define success, and increase self-worth.

3) Embrace Change – Embracing change helps to grow you in life and career. Change is effective and easy when observation, planning, preparation, action, and repair all are at place.

4) Define and know your Boundaries – It keeps away anxiety, stress, and unwanted problems. It helps to focus on actual situation and brings faster success.

5) Exercise mental toughness – Keeping everyone happy and pleasing everybody is not necessary in life. In-fact pleasing yourself makes you feel more confident and stronger.  It’s ok to have disappointed people around you, learn to avoid them.

6) Take Risk – Taking calculated risk convert your fear of unknown to action with caution for your set goal. Investigate the situation, figure out the risk and then proceed ahead with caution. In tough time things are under control that way.

7) Enjoy the Present – Learn from past, be present in present, and prepare for the future. Factual analysis of past events helps to develop new perspectives. Ensure emotions carried from the past do not affect your present.

8)  Avoid Repetition of Same Mistake – Reflective mindset avoid same mistakes and helps to do the same task in different manner. Repeat the success again and again.

9) Focus on your Talent - Having grudge on success of others distracts you from your goal and generates rage and anger, while focusing on your own success adds value in your action.

10) Every race is a Steeplechase – Your mindset that Initial obstacles and failure are part of the journey, helps you to bounce back with equal or more strength after every failure.

11) Pause – Taking Pause sparks your creativity, develops deep empathy, and restores your mental/physical/emotional health.

"Power is not awarded but earned through practice of power doctrine."

Harsch Kumar Lall

23 July 2015

8 Universal Laws That Will Change Your Life

1. Law of Creation -- Thought creates everything. Control your thoughts to start creating the things you desire.
2. Law of Implementation -- Every idea and thought which pleases you has the right to be implemented.
3. Law of Time -- We have time to slow down or cancel the implementation of an idea. This time is fast reducing with each passing day due to evolution. Quickly change the way of thinking in the desired direction, as long as you have Time for this.
4. Law of Freedom of Choice -- Everyone has the right to think what he wants, and thus to create what he wants.
5. Law of Permission -- Everything that you experience is created or allowed only by you! It happens only with your permission.
6. Law of Harmony -- The universe treats anyone with the same way.
7. Law of Group -- We all are an element of something. Nothing is solitary. Nothing is final or initial. Your body is also a part of the universe.
8. Law of Evolution -- The universe and all its elements & components are always evolving. Constant change is a very pleasant fact.


HEALTH is the supreme source of Moral Conduct (धर्म), the Acquisition of Wealth (अर्थ), the Satisfaction of Desire (काम) and of Spiritual Liberation (मोक्ष). 

Diseases take away HEALTH, WELLNESS and WELL BEING of life and are the greatest obstacle in realizing the value of human life.

Understanding of this concept make us gain Self Realization, a supreme knowledge. LEARNING plays an important role in this.

But here a question arises that what is Health, What is Wellness, and what is Well-Being?

According to 'WHO' - "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

According to wisdom of 'Ayurveda' - "Health is in balance when all three bio-energies (त्रिदोष) and metabolic process/digestive fire (अग्नि) are in balance, and excretions are in proper order. When soul (आत्मा), senses (इन्द्रिया), intellect (मन) are in harmony with internal peace, the optimal health (स्वास्थ) is achieved".

Wellness is the integration of Mind, Body and Spirit. Optimal wellness allows us to achieve our goals and find meaning and purpose in our lives. Overall, wellness is the ability to live life to the fullest and to maximize personal potential in a variety of ways.
Wellness involves continually LEARNING and making changes to enhance your state of wellness.
Wellness combines seven dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living. When we balance the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Occupational, Spiritual, and Environmental aspects of life, we achieve true wellness.

Wellness views Health as not merely the absence of illness but the full realization of one's physical and mental potential as achieved through Positive Attitudes (one's Attributes), Fitness Training (one's Skills), sticking to Good Practices (one's Abilities).

Well Being is a contented state of being Healthy, Happy and prosperous.

Thus Health is a Goal to be achieved, 
Wellness is a Process to achieve that Goal, and 
Well-Being is the State of that journey towards achieving that Goal.

Understanding of HEALTH requires lots of Learning, Gaining Health requires lots of Learning and Action, Maintenance of Health requires lots of Learning, Action and Change.

'NECTAR-The Joy of Learning' makes you Learn, so you can perform Action, and then your time brings the Change.

Always Happy to help you.

These Things Mother Should Teach Her Son To Make Him Gentleman

1. Play a sport - It will teach you how to win honorably, lose gracefully, respect authority, work with others, manage your time and stay out of trouble. And maybe even throw or catch.

2. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so don't take something away from her that you can't give back.

3. Save money when you're young because you're going to need it someday.

4. Allow me to introduce you to the oven, washing machine, iron, vacuum, mop and broom. Now please go use them.

5. Pray and be a spiritual leader.

6. Don't ever be a bully and don't ever start a fight, but if some idiot clocks you, please defend yourself. Offence is your best defense.

7. Use careful aim when you pee. Somebody's got to clean that up, you know.

8. Your knowledge and education is something that nobody can take away from you.

9. Treat women kindly. Forever is a long time to live alone and it's even longer to live with somebody who hates your guts.

10. Take pride in your appearance.

11. Be strong and tender at the same time.

12. A woman can do everything that you can do. Mutual respect is the key to a good relationship.

13. "Yes ma'am" and "yes sir" still go a long way.

14. The reason that they're called "private parts" is because they're "private". Please do not scratch them in public.

15. Peer pressure is a scary thing. Be a good leader and others will follow.

16. Bringing her flowers for no reason is always a good idea.

17. You can be wrong even if you are right but not kind.

18. A sense of humor goes a long way in the healing process.

19. Please choose your spouse wisely. your wife will be the gatekeeper for me spending time with you and my grandchildren.

20. Remember to call your mother because I might be missing you.

Happy Mothers Day, every day is mothers day.

Courtesy- Humanity foundation


In 1912 a book 'The Kybalion' was published on Hermetic Philosophy. Hermetic is a philosophical and religious tradition based on the teachings of a figurehead called 'Hermes Trismegistus', a blend of the Greek god 'Hermes' and the Egyptian god 'Thoth'. This stuff was considered occult (hidden or secret) knowledge during early days before the Internet arrived. This book contain 7 laws. Some call them universal laws, some call them natural laws.

Now these laws are open secrets and these are the ones I refer to when interacting during training and coaching sessions of 'Nectar-The Joy of Learning'.

1. The Law of Creation (every seed has a gestation or incubation period). If more time is taken, it means time is being wasted.

2. The Law of Cause and Effect (concentrate on the cause and the effect will take care of itself). Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause. Process is more important than result.

3. The Law of Rhythm (the tide flows in, the tide flows out, good follows bad, up follows down) Trough and peak make a rhythm.

4. The Law of Polarity (everything has an equal and opposing polarity). Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.

5. The Law of Vibration and Attraction (energy on the same frequency will resonate). Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.

6. The Law of Relativity (nothing is good or bad, big or small until you relate it to something else).In isolation all is good. The all is Mind; The Universe is mental.

7. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy (all energy moves from a higher frequency to a lower frequency, then back to a higher frequency... nothing ever dies, it only transforms). Higher and lower both the energy are bad for human mind. Body and mind always want to have continuous, stable and required energy label.

5 July 2015

Chemical Turmoil in the Brain

If you are not intelligent by the age of twenty,  you are at risk to remain an idiot thereafter
Check your brain and check it's Chemical Locha to gain good and worthy in life.
FIVE chemicals in your brain are important. A little here and there in release and control of these FIVE chemicals can disturb normal functioning of brain. On the other hand proper understanding and control of these FIVE chemicals will ensure better life and success to you. 

1. Want to grab something NEW? Release Dopamine

Dopamine level increases when you are approaching a Reward. Increased level of dopamine releases the energy you need to reach that reward. Dopamine alerts your attention to things that you want to grab. Dopamine motivates you to seek your choice. Your brain will release dopamine each time you take a step closer to your need. This repetition of releasing dopamine builds new dopamine pathways.

2. Want to have FAITH in yourself? Release Serotonin
When you feel confident your brain triggers serotonin and when brain releases serotonin you feel confident. Confidence is good feeling and you enjoy this good feeling of serotonin. Repetition of this feeling helps your brain to pave neural pathways that tell your brain how to feel confident and get respect. This is how you develop your belief in your own account. This way you build the habit of focusing on your wins. But if you focus on your losses you will depress your serotonin. 

3. Want to constitute TRUST deliberately? Release Oxytocin
Trust triggers oxytocin release in the brain. Your brain has a good feeling when you strengthen social bonds of trust. Trusting someone who is not trustworthy is bad for survival. Sometimes your trust is betrayed then your brain releases unhappy chemicals. Repetition of this paves neural pathways which tell you when to withhold trust in the future. Each time your expectations of trust are met then your brain rewards you with a good feeling. These small steps, taken regularly, will build your oxytocin circuits; Trust, Verify, and Repeat. You will grow trust for yourself and for others as well.

4. Want to make time to stretch & laugh to DEFEAT PAIN? Release Endorphin

Pain causes release of endorphin and endorphin causes a brief euphoria that masks pain which helps you to run for help when injured. Endorphin is evolved for survival and emergencies. Endorphin stretches your body to escape pain and ignite a genuine laugh to overcome pain. But if you are high on endorphin all the time, you would show unnecessary dare and injured yourself. When you believe in the power of laughing and stretching, you create opportunities to trigger your endorphin in these ways so that you can escape the pain.

5. Want to SURVIVE and then make PROGRESS? Release Cortisol

Release of cortisol makes you feel bad and alerts you for urgent survival threats. Cortisol catches your attention when not being masked by happy chemicals. If you are not comfortable with that bad feeling then you mask it with some happy chemical stimulant. Thus you lose the information the cortisol is trying to give you. But that urgent survival threat is persisting so now more cortisol is released, this further increases the temptation to over-stimulate your happy chemicals. This is a vicious cycle and it can be avoided if you learn to accept the bad feeling. You need cortisol to warn you of potential danger as much as you need happy chemicals to alert you to potential rewards. Cortisol encourages you to approach rewards and avoid threats. If you learn to accept your cortisol, you will make better decisions and end up with more happy chemicals.

Now The Real Chemical Locha

Each time your neurochemicals surged, your neurons built connections. When you're young, your neurons build new connections easily. After teen age, it's not easy to build new circuits. It takes a lot of repetition. So pick a new happy habit and start repeating it. Or else remember if you are not intelligent by the age of 20 you will remain an idiot.
Remember its a 20-80 principle "Keep your body and brain 20 years young while gain experience of 80 years for your mind." 
Understand and Control the CHEMICAL LOCHA. Pranayam, Yoga, Meditation, and Action help in it.  Act now and Learn the Learning to become Intelligent, Stable, Rich, Successful and Respected. We at www.nectarjoy.com can do it for you.
Harsch Kumar Lall

Four Pillers Of Good Health

Health is not a physical phenomenon only. That  is only one of its dimensions. Real health has to happen somewhere inside you, in your subjectivity, in your consciousness.
To be healthy in consciousness means: 
  1. First, to be Awake
  2. Second, to be Harmonious
  3. Third, to be Ecstatic and
  4. Fourth, to be Compassionate

If these four things are fulfilled, then one is inwardly healthy. What can fulfill all these four things? What can make us more aware?
All the meditation techniques are methods to make us more aware. It's the device to pull us out of our metaphysical sleep and Awake us.
Dancing, Singing, Playing, Festivity all make us more harmonious. When dancer disappears and only the dance remains then there is no center functioning as I and then we are in a flow, that flowing consciousness is Harmonious.
To be awake and harmonious creates the possibility for Ecstasy to happen. Ecstasy means the ultimate joy.
And when one has attained to ecstasy, when one has known the ultimate peak of joy, Compassion comes as a consequence. When one has that joy, one likes to share it.
"These four (Awake-Harmonious-Ecstasy-Compassion) are the four pillars of inner health. Attain to it. It is our birthright; we just have to claim it" - Osho

Harsch Kumar Lall 

First Impression Second Chance

Myth-     "You will never get second chance to make first impression." 
Reality-     "There is always another chance to make first impression."

In case you miss to make a good first impression you may go unnoticed, disliked, and/or mistrusted.

You could not cast a good first impression because.... 
1) perhaps you are not equipped to present yourself adequately or.... 
2) people have difficulty to perceive you in the manner you want.
In first case scenario you need to work on your skills.
in second case scenario you have to work hard to change the perception of people towards you.
People those who have desire to make themselves necessary; they grab the right moment and practice fairness towards themselves and others. They are most likely to change. They are born and reborn again and again as a totally new personality each time. These people surely have second chance- but as a changed person- to make the good first impression.
Its like Hollywood movie 'Edge of Tomorrow' Live-Die-Repeat. Repeat with old experience but with a new start every time.
You can learn to make correction in yourself and.... 
You can learn to change the perception of others.
We at www.nectarjoy.com can help you.
Harsch Kumar Lall

4 February 2015

Take This Simple IQ Test To Find Out Where Do You Stand?

With average IQ You can churn out at least 15 morals to the story within 
15 minutes. While a genius will get more than 25 morals. 

There was this sparrow, pretty but headstrong and sharp tongued. She got fed up with her lot and tried flying high. For long she flew higher and higher with gay abandon. Suddenly her wings froze and she fell to mother earth in a tail spin. A passing lion saw her, and took pity on the frozen bird. He had promises to keep, and miles to go before he could sleep. The kind lion shat on the sparrow, to thaw her. Her beak thawed first. She heaped abuses on the lion for crapping on her. A passing fox heard the din, walked past the lion, and ate the sparrow.

Now take a pause for 15 minutes and write down the Morales you can derived out of this story.

Take a Pause, Take a pause.

Well now you have written down the Morales, find these Morales derived out of this story. You can still be genius to add more into it.

Here are the Morals derived from the story…..

1- Never jump the gun, for if you do that you lose the race at the starting line .
2- When you are neck deep in shit and still comfortable be patient, and work things out with a cool head .
3- A sharp tongue only slits our own lip .
4- Indulging in short term pleasures are ok, but don’t do it for too long.
5- Don’t abuse somebody because he gave you only 10 Rs charity while you expected 15.
6- Help is help, which ever way it is.
7- All are prone to temptation, that is why the lion used his asshole end instead of his mouth end.
8- Know your friends, who help you in need.
9- Sometimes people may shit on you for your own good.
10- Jhatka o surge can hurt you, the lion used his warm shit to thaw the tender sparrow.
11- Ingratitude is not tolerated, that is why the fox had the guts to eat up the sparrow whom the lion helped.
12- Do not put your mouth into motion before your brain is in gear.
13- Important people sometimes don't have time to waste over you, n hence will help you on their time table & methods, not yours. Hence lion did not blow dry the frozen sparrow.
14- When you abuse a powerful man , do not do it in public, as opportunists will take immediate advantage.
15- Strike the iron only when it is hot.
16- A helpless person must not abuse.
17- Do not go beyond your limits.
18- Be happy with your lot.
19- Anger can destroy you.
20- Pride goes before a fall .
21- Rush of blood makes you vulnerable.
22- A slip of the tongue can cost your dear.
23- A suspicious mind always looks at the black side of things.
24- Effectiveness is doing the right thing —the lions thawing warm shit was effective .
25- Practice moderation in life.
26- Some people seek to help, not to please.
27- A friend is someone who walks in when others walk past.
28- If you are patient in one moment of anger, it will save you a 100 days of sorrow.
29- You are not punished for your anger, but always BY your anger.
30- Most of your pain is self chosen.
31- Be grateful to people who helps you , without expecting anything in return.
32- You know your friends in adversity, not prosperity.
33- Nobody does anything in a particular way , for one single reason.
34- Misfortune shows you all those who are not your friends
35- Beware of opportunists. They won't hesitate even in eating shit if it suits them.

by Mr Ajit Vadakayil. (received from mail)

Story Is The Smallest Creation

A story is made of a sentence or more, it narrates an incident filled with at-least an emotion.   

A story communicates feelings in the form of an energy, either positive or negative. 

A story can travel in past or in future, or can happen in present. 

A story is a product of imagination via the roots of thinking and visualization. 

A story is a precursor of an Innovation, and is a creation itself.


Kurt Vonnegut- Writer, Artist- In his book "Bagombo Snuff Box Uncollected Short Fiction" listed eight rules for writing a short story.

(He had a very unique signature also.) 

1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
4. Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action.
5. Start as close to the end as possible.
6. Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.

Here is the best qualifier to do the smallest creation i.e. write a story. 


Learn to create. We can help you. 

Harsch Kumar Lall