19 June 2013

Who We Are? Know about us.......

WE - “NECTAR-The Joy of Learning”- ARE TRAINING & COACHING ORGANIZATION which train and coach Professionals, Executives, Students, and Employees across the industry segments including sales professionals. We shape and redesign core abilities into skills that are required for dominating the highly competitive world.

WE - “NECTAR-The Joy of Learning”- DO AMAZING THINGS, when we are asked ‘What is it that you do?’ We tell them politely that we do amazing things which others have not explored much. To support our claims we work hard to deliver value to our clients.

FOR MORE THAN A COUPLE OF YEARS we at “Nectar-The Joy of Learning” have developed smart, innovative solutions for exceeding the expectations of our client’s training and coaching needs, in the field of ‘Learning Techniques & Skills’, ‘Corporate Training’, ‘Skill Development’, ‘Leadership’, ‘Individual Development’, ‘Time Management’, Executive & Life Coaching, and much more.

WE - “NECTAR-The Joy of Learning”- PROVIDE EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANCY to various Educational Institutes for Campus Management, Hope Management, Regulatory-Assistance, and Faculty Development Programs.

WE OUTSOURCE TRAINING WORKSHOPS for corporate houses in the field of Soft Skills.

WE HAVE SERIES OF SKILL DEVELOPMENT packages for Professionals / Executives / Students / Managers.
We redesign human skill to its optimum usage ability as we know for sure in Long run it is the technocrat of respective field who wins the battle of growth.

WE - “NECTAR-The Joy of Learning”- ARE BASED AT Kolkata but we are present where our clients need us. We have served 40+ clients and parted training with 7000+ individuals.

“NECTAR-The Joy of Learning” TRAINING TEAM has an average of 12 years experience and has a strong history of academic & corporate training accomplishments for many top Indian Institutes and Companies.

WE ARE THE RARE KIND OF TRAINING INSTITUTE that takes you to the real On-Job situation while training and therefore before even applying for the job we make you skilled towards every aspect of job including practical experience.

WE BELIEVE THAT FUTURE IS DESIGNED, Past is only a reference point, and Present is a GIFT. We help our clients to enJOY this gift by keeping them Happy and thus Successful.

WE WANT TO BE A consultant and leading Skill development training and coaching house in Industry by 2020.

WE SHALL BE DEVELOPING required skills to help all Job seekers in various domains, and assist employers in developing their employees time to time. We shall maintain confidentiality of highest degree for all transactions between Candidates and Employers.

WE ARE DETERMINED TO IMPART customized comprehensive training for beginners at regional level and therefore to emerge as a Vendor of choice among trainers for Corporate and Professional/Educational Institutes to provide career assistance with precise and prompt quality services.



During my one decade of experience as executive coach and educator I have found that almost all the executives, at one point or other, find it difficult to know and apply the studied subjects. 
It’s because the methods, approach and style of receiving education (so called Learning) is not aligned with natural laws of learning thus resulting in a disconnect between actual education and real gain. 

For example--
1. Things learned/studied last year are forgotten this year but childhood rhymes are learned for entire life. Why?
2. Confusion is high. Why?
3. Fear of failure is prevalent. Why?
4. Low interest in career but highly interested in other activities. Why?
5. Intelligent executives are often not very successful. What a waste of talent?

The solution of all these is hidden in becoming a good learner, for that learner must know the Natural Laws of Learning which helps not only in study but also in every aspect of their life- today, tomorrow and forever. 

It’s not recommended to live with problems. Natural Laws of Learning helps executives to lead a life in such a manner that problems do not occurs at all, hence leaving more time to work for success rather than fighting problems to defeat failure.

‘NECTAR-The Joy of Learning’ is engaged in development of the skills of individuals and group for their learning needs.
To ‘Learn the Learning’, in fact, is the first step to gain knowledge & wisdom and achieve desired success, but it is observed that because of lack of learning abilities and skills people are not able to convert their education into knowledge and thus remain deprived of desired success.

At ‘NECTAR-The Joy of Learning’ workshop we transform people through their increased abilities to learn. Here they actually convert education into knowledge and further create desired success through it.


Good | Great | Perfact

Story One... 
(scene of a Cricket match - A fast bowler bowling to an opening batsman).
Commentator:- First ball of the match is over pitched and out side the off stump. Batsman shuffles on the front foot, swings the bat, apply cover drive, middle the ball, No fielder moved, Four Runs. 
What a shot, PERFECT!! (applause)

 Well, it can't be perfect. Its GOOD!!

Story Two... 
(scene of a class room - oral exams are being conducted).
Teacher to Student – What’s the sum of two plus two? Student to Teacher - Four.
Teacher to Student - GOOD!!

Now it’s not good but Its PERFECT!!

Moral of the stories - 
In life we misunderstand Good with Perfect and practice wrong. Thus we increase confusion, generate doubts, loose focus, waste time and receive less what we deserve from life.

Every thing is GOOD but only few are PERFECT. 
Good is the enemy of Great & Perfect.
Perfect is highest degree of Good and attracts Great.

LEARNING makes you perfect. LEARN the Learning with ‘NECTAR-The Joy of Learning’.

Foundation of Knowledge - Object & Subject

The foundation of knowledge is made of both......
the object of knowledge & the subject of knowledge. 

Present education system provides the knowledge of the object (physics, chemistry, commerce etc), but It misses the knowledge of the subject (the 'Learner', one who wants to learn and know).

Knowledge is different when mind of the 'Learner' is dull and sleepy than what it is when mind is bright and awake. 
The knowledge is different in different states of mind.

Without knowledge of the 'Learner' whole structure of knowledge is baseless. When the 'Learner' is ignorant about himself then education has no complete meaning.

So the object of knowledge and the 'Learner' of knowledge are two complementary sides of complete knowledge. But the self-awareness of the 'Learner' is prime in gaining complete knowledge.

This is very important to understand that progress, growth and success mainly depend upon development of capability, competence and soft skills of the 'Learner'. 
Domain knowledge (knowledge of object of engineering, medicine, finance, Law, Banking etc) contributes only a little in achieving success.

A wise person first learns the Art-of-Learning before stepping forward to gain domain knowledge of his choice. 
Exactly the same is being provided to you at "NECTAR-The Joy of Learning".

We are always happy to help you for your personal and professional development by enhancing your capability, competence and soft skills to make you more self aware and conscious to become a smart autonomous learner to achieve higher success.

Success is not only your ability to climb high up the ladder you get 
but also your ability to bounce back when you fall off and hit the bottom.
