19 June 2013

Foundation of Knowledge - Object & Subject

The foundation of knowledge is made of both......
the object of knowledge & the subject of knowledge. 

Present education system provides the knowledge of the object (physics, chemistry, commerce etc), but It misses the knowledge of the subject (the 'Learner', one who wants to learn and know).

Knowledge is different when mind of the 'Learner' is dull and sleepy than what it is when mind is bright and awake. 
The knowledge is different in different states of mind.

Without knowledge of the 'Learner' whole structure of knowledge is baseless. When the 'Learner' is ignorant about himself then education has no complete meaning.

So the object of knowledge and the 'Learner' of knowledge are two complementary sides of complete knowledge. But the self-awareness of the 'Learner' is prime in gaining complete knowledge.

This is very important to understand that progress, growth and success mainly depend upon development of capability, competence and soft skills of the 'Learner'. 
Domain knowledge (knowledge of object of engineering, medicine, finance, Law, Banking etc) contributes only a little in achieving success.

A wise person first learns the Art-of-Learning before stepping forward to gain domain knowledge of his choice. 
Exactly the same is being provided to you at "NECTAR-The Joy of Learning".

We are always happy to help you for your personal and professional development by enhancing your capability, competence and soft skills to make you more self aware and conscious to become a smart autonomous learner to achieve higher success.

Success is not only your ability to climb high up the ladder you get 
but also your ability to bounce back when you fall off and hit the bottom.


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