-An Imaginary Demographic Divide-
(Also known as Heihe-Tengchong Line or Aihui-Tengchong Line)
This 3,750 km long diagonal line bisects China into two unequal halves - West and East.
Hu-Line is not present on the map or land of China but otherwise it exists significantly.
It is as invisible as it is imaginary.
Yet Hu-Line is as relevant as when it was first imagined and hand drawn in 1935 to point out unequal geographical distribution of China's population.

West of the Hu-Line is comprised of 64% of China's territory but contained only 4% of the China's population.
Inversely, 96% of the Chinese lived in the East of this 'geo demographic demarcation line' on just 36% of the land.

Since 1935 population of China has tripled from 50 crores to 145 crores but still 6% of the China's population lives on 57% of the territory on the west of Hu-Line and 94% of the population lives on 43% of the territory on the east of Hu-Line.

Ethically 92% of Chinese are Han and lives in East of Hu-Line. Rest of the 8% that make up China's ethnic minorities lives in west of the Hu-Line.

This is notably the case in Tibet and Xinjiang, two nominally autonomous regions with non-Han ethnic majorities.

Currently these two province are mounting strong resistance and opposition to mainland China.

East of Hu-Line is virtually all the infrastructure and economy of China as land is flatter and wetter there.
On the west of Hu-Line terrain is plateaus, mountains and deserts and climate is tough.

In 1999 Jiang Zemin, the then Secretary General of CPC, launched 'Develop the West' campaign.
This has an interesting economic angle of infrastructure and industrial development.

This long term policy of 'Develop the West' has resulted in huge migration of Han ethnic majority group from east to west of Hu-Line.
【Now China's ethnic majorities of West are under threat of becoming minorities in their own regions.】

Hu-Line is fading as West ethnic diversity is being sacrificed with economic progress.

Han Dragon is slowly engulfing the West of Hu-Line.
Real China is mainland China with Han ethnic majority population. It means 43% land and 94% population is Chinese. 57% Chinese land is occupied and 6% population of China is oppressed.
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