24 Spokes Wheel of Tricolor 

The real Vedik Dharma Chakra is based on 24 Maharishi who mastered the 24 syllabal of Gaytri Mantra.
'ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्।'
(ऋग्वेद ३.६२.१० यजुर्वेद ३.३५,२२.९,३०.२,३६.३ सामवेद १४६२)
Each spoke of Dharma Chakra has its own sound, color, frequency, and energy. These spokes represents...
०१. अनुराग (Love)
०२. पराक्रम (Courage)
०३. धैर्य (Patience)
०४. शांति (Peace)
०५. महानुभवत्व (Magnanimity)
०६. प्रसासत्व (Goodness)
०७. श्रद्धा ( Shraddha )
०८. अपादान (Gentleness)
०९. निःस्वार्थ (Selflessness)
१०. आत्मनियंत्रण (Self-Control)
११. आत्महवन (Self Sacrifice)
१२. सत्यवादिता (Truthfulness)
१३. धार्मिकत्व(Righteousness)
१४. न्याय (Justice)
१५. आर्नशंस्य (Mercy)
१६. छाया (Gracefulness)
१७. अमानित (Humility)
१८. प्रभुभक्ति (Loyalty)
१९. करुणावेदिता (Sympathy)
२०. आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान (Spiritual Knowledge)
२१. महोपेक्षा (Forgiveness)
२२. अकलंकता (Honesty)
२३. अनदित्वा (Eternity), and
२४. अपेक्षा (Hope).
Gayatri Mantra addresses the QUASAR (सवितुर)- the grace of the divine which is responsible for creation of the universe.
24 syllabals of Gayatri Mantra directly addresses the PRIMORDIAL LIGHT of brilliance which is brighter than a trillion Suns.
Each spoke of Ashok Dharm Chaktra represents one syllable of Gayatri Mantra.
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