20 June 2020

Myth of Practice

"Practice makes a man perfect."
Nope!! Well, All right.
"The 'Right' practice makes a man perfect."

Then, what's the fact?

Well the fact is...

"Practice does not, necessarily, makes a man perfect.
A complex combination of environmental factors, genetic factors, and their interactions explain the performance difference across people."

Practice is less of a driver. Other factors like intelligence in chess, Vox2 in sports etc are more important.

Strain during diligence triggers dormant genes in DNA to express and thus extraordinary physiological processes are activated. Along with this activated process, quality practice, teachers and support system all matters too for exceptional performances.

Practice makes you better than you were yesterday but it still might not make you better than your competitor.
For this you need to take a pause, become aware, and focus on your upskilling.
Here comes the role of a professional who can help aware and focused people like you in this regard.

Aware souls are wading to us in this rough weather in search of honest authoritative and fact based meaningful advise and guidance that can help them understand the biggest challenges they are facing now.

But in this time we are also facing unprecedented subsistence challenge as a major shift toward the learning plate-form is happening. We need your help to bridge this gap.

We have upheld our spirit of making learning easy for all even during the disintegration of traditional practices - the time when professional houses were making education restricted for rich people and were misinforming people about the situation, and seemingly unstoppable rise of big business houses in education sector.

Our ethics and independence set our own agenda and voice our own perceptions. We challenge the established principles, brake the bogus myths and guide those who are rather unguided.

Keeping your support means we can continue disentangling the thread of knowledge, which has never been so critical earlier.

We need your support to keep delivering quality education for your upskilling that opens the door of your success.

Every one's contribution, big or small, is so valuable.
It takes only an hour for three days to support us by attending our online workshops.

Think and Act over it, You might surprise yourself.
And it comes with 100% money back guarantee.

Connect with us to receive notification of our next program.
(Interested people can join our Telegram Channel through invitation.)

All the best!
Team Nectar-The Joy of Learning

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