2 December 2015

Learning & Exercise

Good Physical Health has its own importance in life. Good health ensures that you are able to perform required action at ease to achieve your learning goals.

Nutritious diet and Exercise help to build good health. 

In total four types of physical exercises are recommended for a good health. Viz. 

1 - Endurance, 
2 - Strength, 
3 - Balance and 
4 - Flexibility.

1. Endurance Exercise - Exercise which helps increase capacity of human body and provides ability to continue for longer time, also increase stamina, ability to bear pain and stress. Running, Jogging, Cycling, Trekking, Swimming, Tennis, Football etc are part of endurance training. These are mainly aerobic exercise where demand of oxygen is very high.
2. Strength Exercise - These exercises help to build extra muscles and increase power and strength of body. Wrestling, weight lifting, Boxing etc are part of strength training.
3. Balance Exercise - These exercise helps to improve body balance when eyes are closed or eyes are open. A calm and tranquil state of mind is achieved which helps to balance physical body perfectly. Tai-Chi, Shooting etc provide balancing ability to our body.
4. Flexibility Exercise - These exercises increase stretching abilities of the body, helps to distress a stressed body, make body movement swift, and increase the reach. Stretching, light gymnastic, warm-ups etc increase flexibility and tone the body.
To gain different abilities for a body such as endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility different sets of exercises are recommended. Only one exercise which fits into all four category and develop all four abilities is YOGa. 

YOGa provides endurance, strength (hath yoga), balance, and flexibility.

When motive of mind is power then strength exercises are picked. And then to show the results of strength exercise, shirt less cartoons from films and sports field are considered as role model.
This mind set is not supporting the true learning as achievements are not primary here.
When motive of mind is assimilation then endurance exercises are picked. And then to show the result of endurance exercise, one become fan of sporting personality and follow their way of life,leaving and compromising their own specialties.
But when motive of mind is excellence achievement then a complete and holistic approach is considered and all four types of exercises are performed. YOGa provides one solution of all four types of exercise. This mind set is perfect for learning and ensure that health maintained at good level to support any learning.
When all four type of exercise are done in right mix, it build the brain and increase brain power which thinking alone can not do. 
YOGa exercise helps to build a brain that resists physical shrinkage (ageing) and enhance cognitive flexibility. 
YOGa exercise also club more brain cells (neurons) into a neural network with the help of Brain-Derived-Neurotropic-Factor BDNF. Higher amount of BDNF is reported in blood after YOGa exercise.
Different exercises may benefit differently but YOGa exercise is a complete one and provide all benefits of Endurance, Strength, Balance, and Flexibility exercises.
We are born Yogic, and performed YOGa as an Infant, Toddler, and kid. Learn YOGa, practice YOGa.

'NECTAR-The of Learning' recommends YOGa for every serious and vivid learner whose motives are related to excellence and achievements.

Harsch Kumar Lall

1 December 2015


11 things to become Powerful & Strong

1)  Feel Joyful – Feeling joyful is productive, positive, makes a better life, saves time, creates useful emotions, and builds relationships. Feeling joyful is affirmative feeling which helps to appreciate what you already have, and barter self-pity with gratitude.

2) Exercise Power – Exercising your Power extends your physical and emotional boundaries. It helps to regulate your actions, define success, and increase self-worth.

3) Embrace Change – Embracing change helps to grow you in life and career. Change is effective and easy when observation, planning, preparation, action, and repair all are at place.

4) Define and know your Boundaries – It keeps away anxiety, stress, and unwanted problems. It helps to focus on actual situation and brings faster success.

5) Exercise mental toughness – Keeping everyone happy and pleasing everybody is not necessary in life. In-fact pleasing yourself makes you feel more confident and stronger.  It’s ok to have disappointed people around you, learn to avoid them.

6) Take Risk – Taking calculated risk convert your fear of unknown to action with caution for your set goal. Investigate the situation, figure out the risk and then proceed ahead with caution. In tough time things are under control that way.

7) Enjoy the Present – Learn from past, be present in present, and prepare for the future. Factual analysis of past events helps to develop new perspectives. Ensure emotions carried from the past do not affect your present.

8)  Avoid Repetition of Same Mistake – Reflective mindset avoid same mistakes and helps to do the same task in different manner. Repeat the success again and again.

9) Focus on your Talent - Having grudge on success of others distracts you from your goal and generates rage and anger, while focusing on your own success adds value in your action.

10) Every race is a Steeplechase – Your mindset that Initial obstacles and failure are part of the journey, helps you to bounce back with equal or more strength after every failure.

11) Pause – Taking Pause sparks your creativity, develops deep empathy, and restores your mental/physical/emotional health.

"Power is not awarded but earned through practice of power doctrine."

Harsch Kumar Lall