17 September 2014

CHANGE - Eradicate Evils ?

" Our professional and personal life is infested with so many 
Evils, Malpractices, Prejudices, and Orthodox Customs "

Superficial analysis of these will conclude that these evils can be tackled through external measures, like following the rules and regulations. 
Though a deeper probe here shall reveal that these are only manifestations of weakness in personal character which may take the shape of evils. 

These evils may have different shapes but all of them arise from a common weakness - lack of moral character.

It is not only assumed but believed that every person has healthy discipline. 
And there is always a scope for expression of this ideal conducts. 
Alongside, there are some evils prevalent. It is for the individual to choose. 

This choice will depend on the one's personal character. 
A narrow-minded, selfish, coward and vicious person will choose prevalent evils. 
Whereas courageous person who exercise discretion will choose wisely.
Choice can not be forces on any one as freedom excludes any coercion.

It is evident that each one of us have both the best and the worst choices which we choose and accept according to our mentality. 
The ones we choose to follow, we regard that as traditional best practices and customs.
The others that we reject, are labeled as obsolete, ridiculous or irrelevant.

No practice is regarded as universal good or bad.
One may blame the forces of rules and regulations of custom and tradition for choosing the undesirable and bad. Though it suited their mentality the most.
Compulsions, both Professional and personal, are cited as an excuse for doing something that is otherwise regarded as reprehension. 
These excuses are unacceptable from a person who seeks change for betterment. 

Whenever someone has tried to defy evil customs and traditions then their efforts and courage have been praised and much appreciated. 
Such courage helps the relatively weak willed persons and they also start defying evil customs on the analogy of some one having done so before.
Thus a chain starts building to change for new and better.

It is always advised that one, a leader, should formulate healthy professional customs and traditions which leads to good and positive. 
We must be mindful so that our conscience pricks whenever our acts are immoral or unethical. When no one is looking at us, its our character which leads us. 

One should not be scared of disapproval or non-acceptance by others. 
Ultimately the world will realize the right of your convictions. 
Here you will earn the respect of having changed for new and good what many could not do collectively.

" The fight against changing the world for good and better has often 
to be launched singly by winning over the evils "

Harsch Kumar Lall

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