Its a game of relational psychology.
You need to answer these three questions. Take a pen and paer and write your answers.
Q.1- Which colour do you like? Give three deep reasons, why?
【Deep does not mean like 'It's the colour of sky'. No it's not Deep. It's like 'This colour gives me Peace'. Yes, it's deep.】
Q.2- What is your favourite animal? And three deep reasons, why?
Q.3- What is your favorite form or body of water? And three deep reasons, why?
-- Now pause here and take sufficient time to answer these questions.
【 Also, do not change your answers after I tell you what does it really mean.】
Ok go ahead if you are done...
● Now from first question replace the word 'Colour' with 'My view of my own personality'.
● From second question replace the word 'Animal' with 'My view of my perfect mate'.
● From third question replace the word 'Water' with 'My view of my own sexuality'.
Ask these 3 questions with people you meet, their answers will give you insight whether you should continue meeting then or not.
It's fun, isn't it.
[Enjoy the game but know that there are people who means a lot to you irrespective of what they are.]