25 September 2018

Forgive and Forget

Should we Forgive & Forget?

Forgiving is good for Emotional Health.
Forgiving strengthen Relationship.
Forget not to keep on learning from past.
Forget not to safeguard from being victim of same offence again and again.
Forgiving is healthy, boost self respect, and reflect inner strength.
Forgetting is not necessary, sign of weakness in character, and exercised when you move away from those who hurt you.
Forgiving Helps, Forgetting doesn’t.
Not Forgiving Hurts, not Forgetting doesn't.
We have power to Forgive but no power to Forget.
Bible teaches to forgive but says nothing about forgetting.

Bhadvat Gita teaches to remain unaffected by hurt and use it as a lesson by surely not forgetting about it.

If hurt happens then the person needs to rebuild the trust rather re-earn the trust which is difficult as one who hurts is full with the malice n malevolence.
Those who suggest to forget are those who advocate the rule of might to make distinction in favor of the people or system they prefer most.

How to forget?

There are 5 ways are suggested to forget but these are the part of doctrine of unlearning and should be practiced when someone is bound to relearn the same thing but in a proper way.
1. Meditation- It breaks the loop of thoughts and stop the recurrence.

2. Avoid- Not doing and not indulging in the things which are considered for forgetting.

3. Drumming- Practice of 'Taal' and 'Laya' help to engage the thoughts away and shift the focus by breaking the brain wave patterns.

4. Dancing- Practice of dance suppress the rational mind activities and provide tranquility & blissfulness where engaged thoughts become a distance reality.

5. Time, as it moves on- Journey through time opens many more possibilities for opening of mind to change the priorities thus past becomes irrelevant.
Forgive but do not forget. For immediate time remember it to draw important learning and when once priorities will change one can afford to forget. But if lesson learned is for lifetime there is no need to forget.
Remember and Recover, Forgive but Forget not.

5 September 2018

Growing Trend of Coaching in India

Read original article here on www.thenationalist.news :- http://www.thenationalist.news/details/Coaching-is-the-best-option-of-quality-Learning
"Coaching is the best option of quality Learning, hiring a coach is an investment" says G.Sairamesh MCC-ICF

Professional Coaching is a thought provoking one-to-one partnership between the coach and the client. Coaching is a creative process where coach ask affirmative questions that inspires clients to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is used as a tool to develop winning strategies, making desired changes, and achieving success. Coaching assimilates a responsive and appreciative approach based on what’s right, what’s working, what’s wanted, and what’s needed to get desired outcome.

Anand Sagar, senior L&D Executive and a Coach, says “Coaching is person centric and an effective tool of their development. There are five types of professional coaching viz Performance Coaching, Executive/Professional Coaching, Career Coaching, Development Coaching, and Life Coaching.” 

Professional coaching is different than sport, education coaching.
Sports coaches share their superior knowledge and experience to mold behavior of players and teams whereas 'Professional Coaching' focuses on identifying opportunities for development based on individual's strengths and capabilities in challenging as well as good times.
Many ignorant or less informed education, tuition, and training institutes call themselves coaching institutes though they do not practice coaching.

Presently in India, 'Professional Coaching' is growing significantly and fast becoming a trend.
Individuals and companies are hiring coaching services when something urgent, compelling, or exciting is at stake. They engage in coaching to cover knowledge gap, accelerate results, make fruitful decisions, address problems, balance work and life, and/or to identify the core strengths for their advantage and empowerment.

Bhaskar Natrajan-PCC, ex Global Director of ICF, says, "There are approximately 6500 professional coaches in India. Among them only 10% coaches are accredited to some governing body which standardize, develop, and regulate the process of coaching."
"Approximately half the accredited coaches are practicing coaching in India", he says.

The count of coaches is rapidly increasing now a days. Professional coaching culture is only a decade old in India. Bangaluru is the coaching capital while Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Delhi are also harboring many coaches and witnessing the serge in coaching activities though needs significant efforts and time to catch up with the world. Australia has as many coaches as India and US has 20 times more professional coaches than India.

Coaches are not adviser, consultant, therapist, trainer, or mentor.
I, being a coach, believe that my clients have all the answers and I help them discover those answers by adopting certain techniques and affirmative coaching approach.
These techniques can be used by any coach but a trained coach can use it more effectively.
At present, India does not have any governing, regulatory, or statuary body to control and monitor the coaching process thus it is not a guarantee that a coach will not play the role of an adviser, consultant, mentor, or will not point towards a direction.

In recent time various types of specialized coaching have evolved. Individuals and organisations have options to choose the appropriate form of coaching as per their specific requirements.
Success rate of a Coaching Engagement is over 90% and more than two third clients repeat the coaching process. Return on Investment of coaching is much higher than training or other support and development system. Ability of questioning as a powerful tool of professional coaching to deliver results in stipulated time with higher success rate is encouraging corporate world and individuals to engage more with professional coaching to unlock values and potential.

Business houses are availing coaching for their expansion plans and increased profitability. 'Business Coach' makes them highly accountable and helps them reflect on previous successes and future aspirations.

Established leadership and higher management executives those who wants to appear ready for taking bigger responsibilities in their career seek 'Executive Coaching' to hon their communication and leadership skills.

To define their leadership style and to lead themselves and their team effectively new leaders engage with 'Leadership Coach' who comforts them on driving seat to shape their personal leadership style.

'Career Coach' helps millennial to identify the most suitable and aligned career path and helps them to seek clarity in their goals. Career Coaching creates lasting impacts on organisation's culture and productivity.

'Life Coach' helps their clients to accomplish personal and professional goals by achieving a breakthrough or breaking a barrier. 'Life coach' serves variety of clients and also helps to avoid midlife pitfalls and maintain the work-life balance.

'Students and Youth Coach' helps them to excel in academics and perform well in competitions. Student Coaching aims to increase the awareness of self and surroundings to make them highly successful early in their carrier while significantly reducing the cost of education.

Emotional Intelligence expert. Asst Prof Dr Badri Bajaj says, "Student Coaching is a powerful tool of Mindfulness, and nourishing the talent in 'B' class towns to shape the future leaders of India".

Knowing that how to co-create a trustworthy coaching partnership with most appropriate coach eases the path of success, transform and thrive the organisation.

India is all set to see its first Coaching Revolution in near future.

Harsch Kumar Lall
Executive Leadership & Learning Coach

17 August 2018

अटल मरते नहीं, अटल मरा नहीं करते.....

कल अटल जी नहीं रहे...... उनका जाना दुखी कर गया. 
पर आज मैं और ज्यादा दुखी हो रहा हूँ जब अखबारों और मीडिया में उनकी उपलब्धियों को देख पढ़ रहा हूँ.
अनेको पृष्ठ रंगे गए है, घंटो टीवी पर कार्यक्रम हो रहे है, पर क्या अटल जी का वास्तविक मूल्यांकन किया जा रहा है? क्या वर्तमान पत्रकारिता इस विराट पुरुष का मूल्यांकन करने में अक्षम साबित हो रही है?
या शोक सन्देश, संस्मरण,उपलब्धिया लिखने वाले, मूल्यांकन करने वाले बुद्धिजीवी व्यावसायिक रूप से स्तरहीन यथार्थ परोसने में लगे है? या फिर यह समय पत्रकारिता की गुणवत्ता को क्षीण होते हुए देखने का है?

बड़े लोगो के काम बड़े होते है और उन बड़े कार्यो को जनमानस के लिए अंकित करने का काम भी बड़ा होता है. दुःख है कि आज समाचार पत्र और टीवी अपने इस दायित्व को निभाने में असफल प्रतीत हो रहे है. 
विराट व्यक्तित्व का मूल्यांकन कर उसे इतिहास में मानक के रूप में दर्ज करना जरूरी है नहीं तो.......आने वाली पीढ़िया उन्हें वास्तविक रूप में याद नहीं कर सकेगी और इसकी जिम्मेदारी वर्तमान की होगी।

अटल जी हमारे पडोसी भी हुआ करते थे क्योकि उनकी बहन हमारी कॉलोनी में रहती थी और उनका वहां बहुत आना जाना होता था. मेरी स्मृति में अटल जी की पहली छवि तब की है जब कॉलोनी के किसी सादे से सार्वजनिक समारोह में मेरी माँ उनकी आरती उतार रही थी और मैं उस भीड़ का हिस्सा बना मामाजी (कॉलोनी के सभी बच्चे उन्हें इसी नाम से बुलाते थे) को और आटें के बने आरती के बड़े से दिए को देख रहा था. यह तब था जब वो विदेश मंत्री हुआ करते थे. हम बच्चो के साथ वो खेले भी और बाते भी की. तब पता नहीं था कि किस व्यक्तित्व से मिल रहे है, हमारे लिए वो बस एक बड़े व्यक्ति थे जिन्हे हमारे माता पिता भी सम्मान दे रहे थे.

अटल जी का पूरा जीवन देश के लिए कुछ अच्छा करने, अच्छा करने का प्रयास करने के और मौके ढूंढने में लगा रहा.
-विपक्ष में रहते हुए जब UN जा रहे भारतीय दल का नेतृत्व उन्हें सौपा गया तो वहाँ  उन्होंने हिंदी में संवाद करके भारत को सम्मान दिलाया।
-१३ दिन की सरकार जब गिरी तो अटल जी ने राजनितिक शुचिता के आदर्श स्थापित किये। सरकार गिर जाने दी पर देश के प्रजातंत्र पर कालिख नहीं लगने दी.
-पाकिस्तान की तरफ दोस्ती का हाथ बढ़ाया पर पीठ में छुरा खाया।
-कंधार में अपृहतो को बचाने के लिए दुर्दांत आतंकियों को छोड़ा। यह एक सार्वजनिक निर्णय था फिर भी सारी जिम्मेदारी स्वयं के ऊपर ले ली और कलंक ओढ़ लिया।

इस विराट व्यक्तित्व को देश सेवा का उचित अवसर तब मिला जब वो गठबंधन की सरकार में प्रधानमंत्री बने. उनकी इन्ही वास्तविक उपलब्धियों को आज मीडिया ने सिरे से गायब कर दिया है. अफ़सोस आज मीडिया इस सच से आखे मूंदे बैठा है और देश की युवा पीढ़ी को इस बारे में पता ही नहीं चल पा रहा है.

यहाँ उनके उन पांच दूरदर्शी निर्णयों को रेखांकित किया गया है जिन्होंने भारत देश की गति और दिशा को हमेशा के लिए बदल दिया। 

पहला निर्णय -----

इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का विकास- अटल जी ने  चारो महानगरों और उनके आस-पास विकसित औद्योगिक नगरों को महत्वाकांक्षी 'स्वर्णिम चतुर्भुज' सड़क योजना से जोड़ा।
'प्रधानमंत्री ग्रामीण सड़क योजना' द्वारा देश के ग्रामीण क्षेत्रो में सडको का जाल बिछाया।
इस निर्णय का देश को लाभ-1998 मं पाकिस्तान की प्रतिव्यक्ति आय भारत के प्रति व्यक्ति से लगभग १५% ज्यादा थी. ऊर्जा की खपत देश की औद्योगिक क्षमता का मानक होती है. उस काल में पाकिस्तान की प्रतिव्यक्ति ऊर्जा खपत भारत की प्रतिव्यक्ति ऊर्जा खपत से २३ % ज्यादा थी. 
सड़को का जाल बिछने से २००४ तक भारत की प्रति व्यक्ति आय और ऊर्जा खपत पाकिस्तान से ज्यादा हो गई. २००४ से २०१४ तक लगभग यथास्थिति बानी रही, मोदी काल में (२०१४ से २०१७) हमारी प्रतिव्यक्ति आय पाकिस्तान की प्रतिव्यक्ति आय से १५% और ऊर्जा की खपत ३०% से ज्यादा हो चुकी है. और यह अंतर दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ता ही जा रहा है.

दूसरा निर्णय-----

विनिवेश (Disinvestment)-सरकार का काम व्यापर करना नहीं है, इस दर्शन के निमित्त VSNL, Hindustan Zinc, BALCO, IPCL आदि सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों को मुक्त बाजार में बेचा गया.
इस निर्णय का देश को लाभ-भारतीय बाजार में पूँजी और तकनीक का आगमन हुआ. नए उद्योगों को जरूरी बल मिला और जीडीपी की वृद्धि दर ६-७% से ऊपर पहुंच गयी.

तीसरा निर्णय-----

Operation शक्ति-जय जवान,जय किसान,जय विज्ञान की नीति के तहत १९९८ में हाइड्रोजन बम का परिक्षण किया और विश्व में भारत का परचम लहरा दिया।
इस निर्णय का देश को लाभ-देश में आत्मविश्वास का संचार हुआ, तकनिकी श्रेष्ठता प्राप्त करने की ललक बढ़ी और देसी तकनीक का तेजी से विकास हुआ. भारत तकनीकी क्षेत्र में स्वावलम्बन की दिशा में अग्रसर हुआ. हम दूसरे देशो के ऊपर कम आश्रित होने लगे और विदेशी ताकतों की ब्लैकमेलिंग ख़तम हुई.

चौथा निर्णय-----

आर्थिक ढांचे में मूलभूत परिवर्तन करने संबंधित निर्णय-सार्वजनकि उपक्रमो का राजकोषीय घाटा कम करने के लिए वर्ष २००० में 'उत्तरदायित्व अधिनियम' लाये।
दूरसंचार के क्षेत्र में लाइसेंस फीस समाप्त की और कंपनियों से लाभांश लेना शुरू किया।
इन निर्णयों का देश को लाभ-सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों की बचत ०.८%से बढ़कर २.३% हो गयी अर्थात वो घाटे से बाहर होकर लाभ कमाने लगे. (बचत वही संसथान कर सकता है जो लाभ अर्जित कर रहा हो)
दूरसंचार की दरे गिरी और मोबाइल फ़ोन जन-जन तक पहुंच गया, रिलांयंस ने नारा दिया "कर लो दुनिया मुट्ठी में". असली दूरसंचार क्रांति कांग्रेस नहीं अपितु अटल जी के शाशन काल में आयी.

पांचवा निर्णय-----

विदेश नीति को मुखर किया और नेहरूवादी परमपरा को तोड़ते हुए अमेरिका को भारत का 'स्वाभाविक एवं प्राकृतिक साथी' निरूपित किया।
इस निर्णय का देश को लाभ-दुनिया को कूटनीति के क्षेत्र में एक नया शब्द और विचार मिला - 'Natural Allies'. 
पहले मित्र राष्ट्र, गुट राष्ट्र आदि होते थे पर स्वाभाविक रूप से मित्र या शत्रु होने के विचार को खुले रूप से मान्यता अटल जी के अमेरिका दौरे के दौरान दिए भाषण से मिली। अमेरिका का रुझान भारत की तरफ बढ़ा और देश हित में कई समझौते हुए. न्यूक्लियर डील की आधार शिला रखी गयी. 
अमेरिका भारत का मित्र बना और अमेरिका का पाकिस्तान से मोह-भंग होना शुरू हो गया.

भारत रत्न व्यक्तित्व को नहीं अपितु व्यक्ति के द्वारा देशहित मे किये गए कार्यो  के लिए प्रदान किया जाता है. जब कोई 'भारत रत्न' दिवंगत होता है तो सिर्फ उसके व्यक्तित्व का मूल्यांकन नहीं होना चाहिए वरन उसके कार्यो को भी देश के इतिहास में स्वर्णिम अक्षरों से अंकित करना चाहिए। तभी तो भावी पीढ़ी जानेगी की क्यों अटल जी भारत रत्न है.

मेरा अनुरोध है वर्तमान में आप सभी समाचार पत्र-पत्रिकाओं को पढ़िए, टीवी देखिये और फिर विश्लेषण करिये कि क्या हमें सही बात बताई जा रही या छुपाई जा रही है? अगर आपको लगता है कि सत्य को उचित स्थान नहीं मिल रहा है तो क्या आप २०१९ में इस मीडिया पर भरोसा कर सकेंगे?

यही समय है जब आप मीडिया का मूल्यांकन करते है, पत्रकार अटल जी को यह एक सच्ची श्रद्धांजलि भी होगी। द नेशनलिस्ट न्यूज़ पोर्टल सही खबरें और सच्ची खबरें देने के लिए आया है आप जरूर इसे देखते रहिए इनसाइड स्टोरी और ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़ इसकी खासियत है.  http://thenationalist.news 

ॐ शांति

30 July 2018

1971 Indo-Pak War, USA's 7th Fleet and Chuck Yeager

During 1971 Indo-Pak war USA not only sent its 7th fleet in support of 'Islamic republic of Pakistan' but also helped Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to attack India by giving them 'Sabre' fighter jets, weapons, equipment and their most experienced test and fighter pilot, their war hero and American icon - Brig General Chuck Yeager, who took charge of PAF at Peshawar air force base when most severe air battle broke between India n Pak on 3rd Dec 1971 at west Pakistan (today's Bangladesh).

Who was Chuck Yeager?

General Chuck Yeager was the first pilot who broke the sound barrier on 14th Oct 1947. 
He served in USAF during WW-II. Later he was posted in Germany and Vietnam. 
In 1969 he was deputed to Pakistan to head the ‘Military Assistance Advisory Group’ (MAAG) – a covert shameless operation of USAF to teach Pakistanis thugs how to use American military equipment without killing themselves.
Chuck Yeager came to 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan' in a twin engine personal aircraft given to him by Pentagon, his pride and joy ‘Beechcraft’.

Pakistan Air Force with logistic, weapon, and equipment’s support of USA, China, and many Islamic countries (Jordan, Turkey, UAE gave brand new aircraft to PAF) attacked Indian air force bases on a sunny afternoon of 03rd Dec 1971 at western front (Today's Bangladesh).
And then the hell broke out for PAF which was not able to fly their fighter plane after 9th Dec morning.

First strike of IAF was at Islamabad’s air force station Chaklala and Chuck Yeager’s Pride and Joy personal aircraft ‘Beechcraft’ was destroyed.
Angry Chuck Yeager ferociously entered into Peshawar air force base and took direct command of PAF attack relying on air superiority of PAF he was obsessed with dogfight strategy of air combat.
But India outsmart world’s best experienced test and fighter pilot, USA war hero, a big super ego, American icon Brig Gen Chuck Yeager and PAF by a noble war strategy and highly sophisticated tactics involving bomber escorts, tactical recce, ground attack and dummy runs to divert Pakistani interceptors from the main targets.
It was total annihilation of PAF and Indian jets were flying nonstop unchallenged over enemy Pakistan’s sky.

Deeply wounded with personal and professional loss Chuck Yeager demanded US president Richard Nixon to attack India but USA backed off because of USSR presence.
Chuck Yeager left Pak in 1973 with a heart full of hatred for India.

Defeated and humiliated Chuck Yeager tried to settle score with India by claiming that kill ratio was 3:1 in the favor of PAF in 1971 Indo-Pak war, and IAF lost to PAF.


But Chuck Yeager did not tell that Russian made Mig-21 brought a country ‘Islamic Republic of HALF Pakistan’ on her knees.
And Indian fighter jet ‘Gnat’ emerged as slayer of PAF’s American ‘Sabre’ jet at eastern border (Today's Bangladesh).

In fact India completely destroyed and defeated PAF and even not allowed them to take off any of the plane completely from close border air bases from 6th day onward till the end of war.
Though India lost slightly more aircraft because PAF was not flying any aircraft for attack purpose and parked their birds in safety at Iranian border.

Wikipedia has no information regarding American Icon Chuck Yeager’s role in 1971 war and his personal loss. His own website is full with obvious anti India narratives.
He believed that destroying his pentagon gifted personal plane ‘Beechcraft’ was “India’s way of giving America the finger”.

Chuck Yeager was Tom Wolfe’s inspiration for a book “The Right Stuff”, later a famous movies by the same name was also made in Hollywood.

Internet moron from HALF Pakistan hail Chuck Yeager for his services to Pak and believe his lie and propaganda which was derived out of sheer pain of losing badly to India, personally and professionally.

Harsch Kumar Lall

25 June 2018

ताकतवर दिमाग - बढ़ते बच्चो और युवाओ का असरकारी अस्त्र

बच्चे और युवा अपने और आप अपने बच्चो और युवाओं के दिमाग को ताकतवर, ज्यादा क्रियाशील बनाने और खूब फलने-फूलने देने के लिए क्या कर सकते है?

1. चाह पैदा करे नाता जोड़ना सिखाये- 

उम्मीद के मुताबिक गर्म जोशी और प्रेम से भरा नाता बच्चो और युवाओ को सुरक्षित,सकुशल और तनाव मुक्त रखने में सहायक होता है.

2. भाषा- 

बच्चो और युवाओ को अच्छी और उपयोगी भाषा सुनने की अत्यंत आवश्यकता होती है. सेवा करने के लिए, सम्मान देने के लिए, आत्म सम्मान बनाये रखने के लिए तथा नयी-नयी चीजों को सीखने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने वाली बातचीत बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है.

3. नींद- 

शारीरिक, मानसिक और भावनात्मक विकास के लिए अच्छी नींद एक मुख्य आवश्यकता है.

4- खेल कूद- 

खेल-कूद द्वारा रचनात्मकता, आत्म-नियंत्रण और सीखने की प्रक्रिया विकसित होती है. बच्चो और युवाओ को खोज करने और प्रयोग करने के लिए समय और अवसर चाहिए। प्रकृति खेल कूद द्वारा ऐसा अवसर देती है.

5. शारीरिक गतिविधि-

बच्चो और युवाओ में जटिल शारीरिक कौशल प्राप्त करने की उच्च दर्जे की योग्यता विकसित होना बहुत जरूरी है, जिससे बच्चे और युवा परिष्कृत रूप से चिंतन-मनन करने में योग्य बन सके.

6. पोषण- 

सर्वोत्कृष्ट संभावित शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास के लिए उचित पोषण अत्यंत जरूरी है.

7. कार्य प्रबन्धन कौशल-

बच्चो और युवाओ में उच्च दर्जे की विचार और चिंतन-मनन करने की योग्यता होना बहुत जरूरी है जैसे कि उन्हें अपने आवेग को नियंत्रित करना और काम आने वाली (कार्यकारी) स्मृति को सहेजना आना चाहिए.

बच्चो और युवाओ के स्वयं के अनुभव उनके विकास में 70-80 % से ज्यादा योगदान देते है. इसलिए सभी की जिम्मेदारी बनती है कि उन्हें सही अनुभव लेने के लिए आवश्यक सहूलियतें और वातावरण दें.

युवावस्था जीवन का बहुत सुन्दर और कीमती समय है इसे सम्हालना, सुरक्षित करना, पोषित करना और संजोना जरूरी है.

वर्तमान समय में युवाओ और उनके पालकों के लिए जरूरी है कि वे योग्य प्रशिक्षक व कोच की सेवाएं ले और सॉफ्ट-स्किल्स तथा सीखनें की सही पद्धति को जाने, सीखें और प्रयोग करे.

यह अवसर जीवन में गुणात्मक परिवर्तन लेकर आएगा और सफलता प्राप्त करने में बहुत सहायक होगा .

शीग्र निर्णय करें और बिना समय गवायें ऐसी कोई कार्यशाला, संगोष्ठी, शिविर या पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश ले.

NECTAR-The Joy of Learning 15 से 25 वर्ष तक के महत्वाकांक्षी बच्चो और युवाओ को Student Program in Learning Management (SPLM) में भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है.
ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए www.nectarjoy.com पर जाये.

Harsch Kumar Lall
(Executive Leadership & Learning Coach)

20 June 2018


Commonly four types of propensity is find among majority of people across the globe viz... 

Fair-Minded, or 

People predominantly exhibit one such disposition in their general behavior at a given time. Also, they may choose to switch their temper as per their convenience.

  • Social scientists have observed that Revolutionaries and Obligates are minorities but hey make best companion pair so far.
  • Fair-Minded mingle well with Obligates but prefer to keep distance with revolutionaries.
  • Selfish are majority species but are most hated too.
  • Two Obligates together are most progressive and joyful, while two Selfish are disastrous. Two Fair-Minded are progressive, and company of two Revolutionaries is regressive.

There are certain arrangements where one has to be the companion of all propensities at the same time thus his ability to choose the appropriate temper for all the person at the same time is a real challenge which ultimately determines the outcome of mutual multifaced relationships.

An Obligative public servant with Selfish public will not be able to serve benefit to others. Such selfish attitude must be reprimanded.
Its the time for leadership to deliver the true response to each deserving person.

Hope coming days of Learning encourage us and our leadership with wisdom to understand the difference among changeable, avoidable, and punishable people and give courage to exercise suitable response accordingly.

No more paid vacancies for 'C' grader who are low in competency, motivation, and people skills.

Harsch Kumar Lall
Executive Leadership and Learning Coach

13 June 2018


Usually and normally we live either with Open or with Close mind. (few extraordinary live with growth mind too).

Few big differences between these two   -open and close mind- are....

Open mind prefers to help others over self help.
Close mind expects more help than helping others.

Open mind is open to suggestions.
Close mind is close to suggestions but auto suggest a lot.

Open mind can agree to disagree.
Close mind doesn't want to be challenged.

Open mind asks questions as it knows that it may be wrong.
Close mind makes statements irrespective of it's being right or wrong.

Open mind is empathetic to understand others.
Close mind wants to be understood and noticed.

Open mind is God fearing.
Close mind is lack of a deep sense of humility.

Open mind understands self first and then others too.
Close mind mostly misunderstands others and understands a fraction of self.

Open mind finds disagreements, differences, discussions/arguments as an opportunity to Learn and a tool to help in better decisions making to improve quality of life.
Close mind considers these as threats and a tool to score over others even if life suffers.

Open mind is often broad yet assertive.
Close mind is mostly imperative and meek.

Open mind collects facts to make decisions.
Close mind makes decisions prior to knowing the relevant information.

Open mind is designed to search the best answer.
Close mind believe its answer is the best.

Open mind knows that during a conflict one or other could be wrong.
Close mind finds other is wrong.

Open mind is like a proud Jack who lifts.
Close mind is like a too proud Pincher who pinches.


  • A Relationship between two Open-Minds is worthy of long term association and should be nourished besides all odds as it sure will make life beautiful and prosperous.
  • A Relationship between two Close-Minds is just OK if they can be happy by merely floating over the surface.
  • A Relationship between an Open-Mind and a Close-Mind is bit complex and tricky.
Here open mind is expected to dominate and close mind cooperative.Reverse of this arrangement where Open-Mind isn't cooperative is HELL IN THE LIFE.
(Let's pray no one suffers this including ME)


Human existence has evolved from......
Raw and Primitive Close-Mind needed for SURVIVAL to......
Refined and Advance Open-Mind for ASCEND to.......
Pure and Divine Growth-Mind for TRANSCEND.

Harsch Kumar Lall
Executive Leadership and Learning Coach

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31 May 2018

What We Need To Change in School Education System?

Schools exams are different than Competitive Exams.Schools are laboratories of making more innovative and creative mindsets. 

High-stakes exams (10th, 12th board) based on narrow performance measures -(499/500 marks in descriptive exam where creative writing constitute approximately 20% marks of a language subjects)- can encourage students to 'Shun This System', negatively impact Learning and disproportionately Punish the marginalized students n teachers too.

The solution is to..... 

  1. Buildup the status of Teachers, 
  2. Make parents more Responsible and
  3. Make govt absolute Accountable....... This can meaningfully restore already rotten education system.

We also need to....... 

'Develop the Self Study Culture among Students'

Don't teach, train, or give tuition until students have not Learned something their own.

Teaching, Tuition, or Training should start only when students already have maxed out their ability to do further Learning (advance study) without training, teaching, or tuition.
To encourage self-learning there should be a pre-test of the chapter before actual teaching starts officially in the class.

  • Society, Parents, and Students all should expect their teachers to live a meaningful professional life of a teacher so that 'Status of the Teachers' is elevated in the society. Assuming that the teachers will do that we must start paying greater respect to teachers in advance.

  • Parents need to own more 'Responsibility' for preparing their wards as a better student at home first and for school later. Both the parents must engage more with the study of their children in both active and passive ways.

  • Education policy should be supportive to the cause of creating a conducive environment of learning, and govt needs to held accountable for that. Failing in doing so should bring govt under the charges of gross negligence and crime against people/society.

Education has nothing much to do with facilities and infrastructure but objects of learning (Students,Teachers, and Parents) needs to be facilitated and build stronger.

Harsch Kumar Lall
Ececutive Leadership and learning Coach