If you are not intelligent by the age of twenty, you are at risk to remain an idiot thereafter
Check your brain and check it's Chemical Locha to gain good and worthy in life.
FIVE chemicals in your brain are important. A little here and there in release and control of these FIVE chemicals can disturb normal functioning of brain. On the other hand proper understanding and control of these FIVE chemicals will ensure better life and success to you.
1. Want to grab something NEW? Release Dopamine
Dopamine level increases when you are approaching a Reward. Increased level of dopamine releases the energy you need to reach that reward. Dopamine alerts your attention to things that you want to grab. Dopamine motivates you to seek your choice. Your brain will release dopamine each time you take a step closer to your need. This repetition of releasing dopamine builds new dopamine pathways.
2. Want to have FAITH in yourself? Release Serotonin
When you feel confident your brain triggers serotonin and when brain releases serotonin you feel confident. Confidence is good feeling and you enjoy this good feeling of serotonin. Repetition of this feeling helps your brain to pave neural pathways that tell your brain how to feel confident and get respect. This is how you develop your belief in your own account. This way you build the habit of focusing on your wins. But if you focus on your losses you will depress your serotonin.
3. Want to constitute TRUST deliberately? Release Oxytocin
Trust triggers oxytocin release in the brain. Your brain has a good feeling when you strengthen social bonds of trust. Trusting someone who is not trustworthy is bad for survival. Sometimes your trust is betrayed then your brain releases unhappy chemicals. Repetition of this paves neural pathways which tell you when to withhold trust in the future. Each time your expectations of trust are met then your brain rewards you with a good feeling. These small steps, taken regularly, will build your oxytocin circuits; Trust, Verify, and Repeat. You will grow trust for yourself and for others as well.
4. Want to make time to stretch & laugh to DEFEAT PAIN? Release Endorphin
Pain causes release of endorphin and endorphin causes a brief euphoria that masks pain which helps you to run for help when injured. Endorphin is evolved for survival and emergencies. Endorphin stretches your body to escape pain and ignite a genuine laugh to overcome pain. But if you are high on endorphin all the time, you would show unnecessary dare and injured yourself. When you believe in the power of laughing and stretching, you create opportunities to trigger your endorphin in these ways so that you can escape the pain.
5. Want to SURVIVE and then make PROGRESS? Release Cortisol
Release of cortisol makes you feel bad and alerts you for urgent survival threats. Cortisol catches your attention when not being masked by happy chemicals. If you are not comfortable with that bad feeling then you mask it with some happy chemical stimulant. Thus you lose the information the cortisol is trying to give you. But that urgent survival threat is persisting so now more cortisol is released, this further increases the temptation to over-stimulate your happy chemicals. This is a vicious cycle and it can be avoided if you learn to accept the bad feeling. You need cortisol to warn you of potential danger as much as you need happy chemicals to alert you to potential rewards. Cortisol encourages you to approach rewards and avoid threats. If you learn to accept your cortisol, you will make better decisions and end up with more happy chemicals.
Now The Real Chemical Locha
Each time your neurochemicals surged, your neurons built connections. When you're young, your neurons build new connections easily. After teen age, it's not easy to build new circuits. It takes a lot of repetition. So pick a new happy habit and start repeating it. Or else remember if you are not intelligent by the age of 20 you will remain an idiot.
Remember its a 20-80 principle "Keep your body and brain 20 years young while gain experience of 80 years for your mind."
Understand and Control the CHEMICAL LOCHA. Pranayam, Yoga, Meditation, and Action help in it. Act now and Learn the Learning to become Intelligent, Stable, Rich, Successful and Respected. We at
www.nectarjoy.com can do it for you.
Harsch Kumar Lall