Q- When is the time for learning?
A- Now is the time for learning.
Yaksha Prashan (यक्ष प्रश्न) - The Larger Questions are integral part of ancient Indian wisdom and History. NECTAR-The Joy of Learning has interpreted this ancient knowledge to suit our present time.It is essential to ask questions to gain knowledge but it is advised that one should ask a meaningful question to seek the meaningful answer, and one should avoid asking questions just for sake of asking the questions.
Here are the larger questions and their answers in the light of today's world.
Q- Who makes the Sun rise and progress every day?
A- The man with wisdom earned from knowledge and learning makes the sun rise.
When one is awake then only he can see light of day.
Q- Who makes the Sun to set & conclude the day work?
A- Virtue of a man makes the Sun to set and conclude the day's objective and goals.
Only Awake and active man can engage himself in work to complete the work.
Q- How does a man become expert in area of his work?
A- He becomes an expert by learning and practicing his work.

Q- How does a man become great?
A- Man becomes great by achieving excellence through perseverance.
Q- How does a man become secure?
A- Man becomes secure by his courage.
Q- What is courage?
A- Controlling the five senses wisely is “courage”.
Q- How does a man becomes wise?
A- He becomes wise by living with learned wise men.
Q- What is godliness to man with wisdom?
A- Man who has deep desire of Learning and knowledge as vocation, is a man with wisdom.
Q- What is the duty of excellent man?
A- Continuous learning is the duty of excellent man.
Q- What is the humanly weakness of an excellent man?
A- Pride and selfishness is the humanly weakness side of an excellent man.
Q- What is sinful action for a wise man?
A- Finding fault with others is the sinful action to a wise man.

Wisdom, Knowledge, Prudence, Thoughtfulness
Q- Which is the most important tool for learner?
A- Calm Mind is the most important tool for a learner.
Q- What is the best for those who learn?
A- Quality learning is the best for a learner.
Q- What wealth is the best for those who want to live stable lives?
A- Generating employment is the best that gives stable wealth.
Q- Which is faster than wind?
A- Mind is faster than wind.
Q- Which is more in number than threads of grasses?
A- Worries outnumber threads of grasses.
Q- Who is the friend, for one who goes abroad?
A- Education is the only friend of people who goes abroad.
Q- Who is the friend for the learning seeker?
A- A quality Trainer is the friend of the learning seeker.
Q- What is nectar?
A- Learning which adds life is nectar.
Q- Who travels alone?
A- Man on highest ladder of success travels alone.

Q- What is the antidote for fear?
A- A strong Belief is the antidote for fear.
Q- Where does fame normally reside?
A- Fame resides mainly in deeds of giving.
Q- Where does pleasure normally reside?
A- Pleasure normally resides in good conduct.
Q- What is the best provider of wealth?
A- Tireless effort is the best giver of wealth.
Q- What is the best among all things?
A- The knowledge that we get from learned master is the best thing.
Q- What is the best among all the blessings?
A- Life without sickness is the best among all the blessings.
Q- What is the best among all the pleasures?
A- Contentment is the best among all the pleasures.
Q- Which action always gives good results?
A- Perseverance of learning under guidance of able teacher always gives good results.
Q- By controlling which thing man will never be sad?
A- By controlling the mind man will never become sad.
Q- Friendship with whom lasts for ever?
A- Friendship with like minded persons will last for ever.
Q- Why do friends go away?
A- When they get nothing from you, they go away.

Q- By leaving which thing man will be able to lead a happy life?
A- By leaving out miserliness man would be able to lead a happy life.
Q- Why should we give it to servants?
A- It is for making them obey you.
Q- What is the world?
A- The soul is the world.
Q- By which is the world covered?
A- World is covered by ignorance.
Q- Why does the world not shine?
A- World does not shine because of bad behavior.
Q- Why does man not attain higher progress?
A- Man does not attain higher progress due to attachment.
Q- When does a country does not have life?
A- When it does not have good rulers, it does not have life.
Q- When does a learning attempt not yield results?
A- When adequate cost is not paid, it does not have results.
Q- What is moral duty?
A- Moral duty is controlling the mind.
Q- What is the best patience?
A- Bearing pleasures, sorrow, greatness, and downfall with equanimity is the best patience.
Q- What is wisdom?
A- Wisdom is knowing all aspects of the real truth.
Q- What is ego?
A- Ignorance is ego.

H J Simpson (Homer)
Q- Which is the disease that has no end?
A- Extreme greed (Avarice) is the disease that has no end.
Q- What is honor?
A- The pride in oneself is called honor.
Q- What is laziness?
A- Not doing required action is laziness.
Q- What is a good bath?
A- Cleaning the mind of the accumulated dirt is the good bath.
Q- Which is considered as unhealthy competition?
A- Unnecessary turmoil of the mind is unhealthy competition.
Q- Birth, behavior, study, or learning does help a person achieve wisdom? Tell us with certitude!
A- Birth, learning and knowledge of science are not necessary aspects of wisdom. It is due to one’s own character. One with good character never becomes bad and one with bad character is always considered as bad. He who has full control over his senses is the real noble man.
Q- What does one who does planned actions get?
A- He attains success.
Q- What does one who has many friends get?
A- He lives happily.

NECTAR-The Joy of Learning is happy to decode Yaksha Prashna (यक्ष प्रश्न) -The Larger Questions for you.
Harsch Kumar Lall
Reach us;- harsch.hkl@gmail.com www.facebook.com/nectarjoy www.twitter.com/hklall
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