28 December 2012

Nothing is a Drag !

"DRAG is a mechanical force generated by a solid object moving through a medium or a fluid"

Five Action Steps to Achieve Excellence Through Better Understanding of self

1. You have got The ‘Talent’: -
Everybody on this earth has got some or other type of talent.
You just need to brush and practice your skills regularly to get maximum out of your inborn talent.

2. You can always ‘Reinvent Your Talent’: -
More you use your talent more talented you become. They say that you can acquire and learn new skills all the time. If you find that there is a need of more talent for better performance,
you can always ‘Reinvent Your Hidden and Unused Talent’.

3. Nothing is a ‘Drag’: -
Nothing can pull you down in this world. Obstacles are only Diversions. Nothing is achieved in life without pain and obstacles, in-fact they are the true indicator that you are working continuously towards your goals.

4. You can do ‘Everything’: -
If a talented person continues to work for his goals then nobody can stop him from achieving his goals. Anything is possible and he can do everything.

5. Each day is ‘Your Day’: -
Each day you have Talent, Each day you can Reinvent Your Talent, Each day Nothing is a ‘Drag’
and Each day You Can Do Everything.  

Nobody can stop you to call that Each Day is ‘My Day’. Yes, each day is ‘YOURS DAY’.

14 December 2012

DISCIPLINE - Mantyra of Success

We all are working for success and find that some of us are more successful and some of us are deprived of expected return of our work.  

The major differential between successful and not so successful is “DISCIPLINE”.

Discipline refers to systematic instructions given to a disciple. 
To discipline thus means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct and to adhere to a certain order. 
Discipline helps in modeling the character, teaching self-control & acceptable professional behavior.

A disciplinary procedure is that by which rules are observed and standards are maintained for our conduct and/or performance.  

Rules are necessary because they set standards. Poor adherence to discipline strongly reflect that required hard work is absent from the work place.  

Hard Work, Discipline and up-gradation of required skills are determinant of success, in which discipline is most deciding and important and is limiting factor for the rest of the two.

Compromised discipline will reflect your image of a non hard working, sluggish and compromised person with negative attitude.  

To accomplish a certain task (Success in life) or to adopt a particular pattern of behavior (Habit to Win) Self-Discipline is most sought after thing.

Imposed discipline on a person may be treated as punishment by that person of compromised discipline. 
Though, punishment is only a tool to implement the required discipline.

Be your own disciple and observe Self-Discipline at work place to ensure desired success.

“Nectar-The Joy of Learning”®  is always happy to help you.

Student's Responsibilities

When students attend institute of their choice, it is expected that they will: 

     * Attend classes regularly and punctually and follow their chosen program of study;                
     * Undertake course work/tests and other assignments as appropriate;
     * Complete set work within the agreed timescale;
     * Accept and observe the Institute Code of Academic Standards;
     * Observe the Student Code of Behavior.
     * Follow & conform to Health and Safety regulations and related codes of institute; 

     * Inform day to day proceedings of institute to Parents/Guardians.

Ability to choose response ensures the degree of responsibility. 
Higher ability results in better responsibility thus in greater success.

“Nectar-The Joy of Learning”®  is happy to help you.

Student's Rights

I believe that all educational institutes must  aim to provide a quality teaching for all students through partnership; a welcoming and clean environment; for individual attention; and opportunities for learning, progression, and personal development & achievements.

At any educational institute all students must be entitled to:

       * Inquiries being dealt with promptly and courteously;
       * Access to accurate information about all the costs of being a student;
       * Access to all other relevant information relating to students studies;
       * Impartial guidance and a range of student help services;
       * The offer of learning support where required;
       * A learning agreement;
       * Personal and social development;
       * Equality of opportunity, negotiated to individual needs;
       * A clear explanation of how student will be assessed throughout their course;
       * Information and support on provision for students with disabilities or     
          learning difficulties;
       * The right for all students to have democratic discussion at all levels;
       * Choose whether to participate in the additional course offered;
       * Access to complains and suggestions procedures.
The big question is :- Do we have institutes which respects "Students Rights"?
Mostly we don't have. Lets start this in our institute also.

“Nectar-The Joy of Learning”®  is happy to help you.

13 December 2012

Enhance Your Brain Power...

Human Brain can be classified into three parts on the account of its Functionality---

1. Primal Brain (Adi) regarded as Root of Brain;
2. Middle Brain (Madhya) regarded as Stem of Brain;
3. Present Brain (Vartman) regarded as Branches, Flowers n Fruits of Brain.

Primal Brain facilitates with all the knowledge, tendencies and impressions assimilated since the origin of soul till its birth in the present life.

Middle Brain refers to the source of manifestation of latent or supernormal powers.

Present Brain is developed according to the memories, knowledge and conditioning resulted from bioelectrical processes and the perceptions made through exposure to the world, experiences, education, social encounters etc since the embryonic state till the present time.  

These three brains are functionally organized one under the other.
Primal Brain lies in the innermost core, and is the subtlest but the most prominent of all.
Primal Brain is the original source of consciousness for the development and activation of the other two brains.
The blueprint of the inner character of an individual is stored here.
In essence, the seed of one’s individuality sprouts from Primal Brain. 

Extraordinary Intelligence and Talents are generally attributed to one’s good fortune or divine blessings but in particular, scientific investigations into brain-functions and human psychology have now revealed that Extraordinary Intelligence and Talents, fortunes and acumen could be awaken to a great extent by systematic training.
The brain of every human is endowed with enormous potentials.  

Training of the Brain of an individual is possible when mind of the person is not trapped under the vicious cycle of the malice of ego, arrogance and unchecked ambitions with or without the harmful tendencies of lethargy, despair, aggressive impatience etc or alcoholic, erogenous and similar addictions.
If one has an internal desire and strong willpower to break this vicious cycle then one can Train the Brain.

Auto-Suggestion, Self-Introspection and Creativity coupled with Healthy Recreation offer best remedies in depleting the negative tendencies of mind and associated addictions.
One should get rid of the inferiority complexes or the feelings of the weaknesses of his mind.

Strict discipline of living habits, optimistic thinking, stability and purity of mind & emotions, and creative industriousness are the preliminary requirements if one wants to progress further in refining his talents.

Intensive training and assiduity with unsheltered interest and concentration of mind in a selected area do set the clock in motion and gradually elevated associated intellectual potentials. 

Sharp memory supports learning and intellectual development of brain.
It has therefore been given primary importance in most of the training methods.
It is highlighted here that, trenchancy of memory is not always a divine boon or inherited fortune; rather, it could be aroused in every one who adopts a serene, disciplined and balanced mode of life. 

Meditation & Pranayam are integral parts of the initial phase of Brain Training.
Pranayama harmonizes the breathing pattern and triggers maximum supply of oxygen and vital energy to the brain thus helps to attain and utilize more power of your brain.

Shiv & Shakti in the Brain

1. Shakti Brain (Right Hemisphere)- Female/Emotion/Lunar/Visual- Influence by Yantra Yoga.
2. Shiv Brain (Left Hemisphere)- Male/Rational/Solar/Verbal – Influence by Mantra Yoga.           
3. Third Eye (Pineal Gland) – Center of Intuition and Bliss- Influenced by Tratak Meditation.
4. Reptile Brain (Brain Stem)- Breathing and Biological Function- Influenced by Pranayam.
5. The Cave (Carpus Collasum) – Center for consciousness in Samadhi- Final stage of all Yoga.

“Nectar-The Joy of Learning”®  is happy to help you to train your brain for Higher Intelligence and Talents.